book path

How A Book Is Published

When a writer completes the task of writing a children’s novel, they’ve already spent many months, and probably many years, crafting their story to the highest quality they can. Then what? How does that story get from manuscript form to the printed book on the shelf at the bookstore? Writers learn quickly that the act of writing is just the first step.

With today’s digital technology, any writer can format their story, create a cover, and have their book printed and available online for purchase. Doing all the publication work themselves is called Self Publishing. There are many excellent reasons for writers to self-publish their own stories, and many excellent resources to help them do it well.

Traditional Publishing

Many writers prefer to have their stories published in a more traditional, industry professional way, using established publishing houses. This method is called Traditional Publishing. These are the books you find in the bookstore and on the award and bestseller lists. To have a book traditionally published involves a lot more people than just the writer. The process can take many years, and includes an incredible amount of work.

The more you know about what it takes to bring a book to completion, the more you’ll appreciate the complex art it is. Plus, it’s just interesting information.

I’ve created a short video that walks you through the process of traditional book publication. You’ll learn:

  • The people involved in creating a book
  • The process they work through together
  • The timelines they follow to get it done

Click here to access the video How A Book Gets Published.

One of the most important things a writer can do is learn. Before submitting your manuscript draft for consideration by an agent or editor, learn all you can about your craft. Apply what you learn and retell your story as many times as you need to until it shines. Chicken Scratch Books offers free and paid writing courses to help you hone your skills. Although these courses are geared to writers of middle grade fiction, any writer would benefit from the techniques they teach.

Process of Creation

So if you’re not a writer, why is understanding the publishing process something you should know?

When we understand the process of creation, even from an outsider’s perspective, it gives us a much greater appreciation for the finished product. This is true with any art, from stories to our world itself.

If you want your kids to appreciate books, teach them about the process of book creation.

I made this downloadable PDF How A Book is Made to be shared with kids and adults alike. It shows in a visual way what it takes for a story to become a book. Use this to help expand understanding, have a fun discussion, and build appreciation.

At Chicken Scratch Books, we’ve learned that having a story published ‘traditionally’ does not make it a traditional story. To us, a traditional story has strong writing, strong values, clean storylines, and lots of fun. We are selective in what we publish because we only work with stories kids will love and gatekeepers will trust. Our only agenda is good literature.

Knowing how a book is published will help you find the best books possible.