Virtue Focus: Honesty

When a child develops the virtue of honesty, they will begin to more readily recognize truth all around them. Honesty is a vital virtue for a fulfilling life.

Tips for training your child to develop honesty:

  • In any conversation, encourage your child to use accurate words. Point out when the words they use aren’t exactly right, and help them find more accurate words to use. 
  • Look for opportunities to model honest behavior, and discuss these situations with your children after the fact.
  • Read a book together that portrays the main character developing honesty, like this book:

Bundle with our Exploring Virtues Course for a new fun way to learn!

More books that also portray developing honesty:

Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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