Virtue Focus: Being Yourself

When a child develops the virtue of being themselves, they begin to understand their intrinsic value in their world. They recognize the strength of their uniqueness and lose the desire to imitate their peers. The confidence that comes from being themselves will help them their entire lives. 

Tips for training your child to understand Being Themselves:

  • As part of the bedtime routine, discuss something unique about the child you noticed today and appreciated. 
  • When playing or watching a game or a sport, point out the individual strengths of each person involved and how that helped them succeed.
  • Read a book together that portrays the main character learning to Be Themselves, like this book:

Bundle with our Exploring Virtues Course for a new fun way to learn!

More books that also portray learning to Be Themselves:

Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KJV

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