How to Submit

Are you ready?

Have you done your research?

Have you revised and revised and revised?


Please fill out this Submission Form completely. It will take some time. Weeding through the submission pile takes time for us too, because we really want to publish the best books we can find. To this end, we only accept submissions periodically throughout the year. (That’s the only time the Submission Form will be available.) Watch for notices for when the form will be open.

To fill out the form, you will need to provide:

  • Information about yourself and your writing career
  • Information about this specific manuscript
  • A 100 word pitch/logline/grabber
  • The first 5 chapters of your manuscript, attached within the form

You will not be submitting a Query Letter. We just want to see your story.

If you’ve taken any of our ONLINE COURSES from Chicken Scratch Writing School – free or otherwise – be sure to include the “Learning Code” you received at the end of the class. That code tells us a lot about you as a writer. If you aren’t sure what these things mean, please see our page Writing Support.

We accept submissions from agented and unagented authors. The process is the same for either. We accept submissions from published or unpublished authors. Again, we look at you all the same. We love to find new writers!