Here at Chicken Scratch Books we want Middle Grade Novels that have strong TRADITIONAL VALUES portrayed. We love to see imperfect families trying to support each other. Kids really can have good relationships with their parents. We love to see kids engaged in groups and situations that are relatable, and learnable, without being preachy. We love to see families that are spiritual, or religious, or both. We love it when business owners aren’t portrayed as greedy, or when politicians aren’t portrayed as corrupt. And rural living? Give us stories that show the rural lifestyle as desirable – not something that needs to be escaped from.  We don’t have any social quotas or expectations for your characters or the situations they are in. Give us strong literature, with strong traditional values, strong characters, and lots of fun happening. That’s what we publish.

Is this what you write? If it is, read more about What We Want, Writing Support, and How to Submit