Showing Who We Are

As soon as I started forming the plan for Chicken Scratch Books, I had a visual in my mind. An image showing who we are and why we do what we do in just a glance. I’m a very visual person. I’ve always loved graphs and charts and maps. My brain accesses lots of information quickly in this form. So it made sense that I’d come up with a graphic in my mind about Chicken Scratch Books. I could see the arrows and the phrases and the separation. The little chicken came later. This image in my mind was quite distinct, and kept me focused through lots of planning. I knew I needed to transfer it out of my brain.

Getting it into a physical form was the challenge.

I’m a writer and a teacher and a playwright and a quilter and a builder and a creator. I’m not a visual artist. I can hardly draw believable stick figures. Other members of my family have been blessed with visual arts talents, but they didn’t get them from me.

So this graphic took some time. It also took multiple start-over attempts. And multiple physical and digital formats. But here it is.

What do you think? Is it good at showing who we are? Do the little yellow ovals look like eggs or gold nuggets or poo?

I’m always open to critique 😉