By: Susan Reimer
Format: Available in Paperback, ePub, and MOBI
Genre: Fantasy
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light
The balance of Maira’s world is shifting.
The responsibilities as the next Gatekeeper leave 12-year-old Maira with little time to play beneath the waves. Instead, she works alongside her father learning the role held by her family for generations.
On a rare free morning, Maira discovers an extraordinary underwater cavern that resembles a long untold legend. She and her friends decide to keep their find a secret. But when Maira is confronted by treasure hunters, she learns their secret has been betrayed. Evil has once again entered her world.
Maira must find a way to protect the sea and unite her people to restore the balance of history, a task she can’t do alone. But the survival of her way of life and the sea itself depend on it.
cindycookpoeta –
I loved the adventures that the children took, above and below the sea. Let your imagination run free as you dream about activities you can enjoy under the sea. The children solved problems they encountered and learned lessons along the way.
magpie.brain –
I am a fan of fantasy and this book checked all the boxes for me. What could be more exciting than a world where humans have the power to live underwater as easily as they live on land? Susan Reimer takes her readers on a journey to a magical place filled with kinship, lore and tradition. “The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light” honours the role of children and young people in the world. They are trusted, respected, given responsibilities and held accountable for their actions. I enjoyed the many exciting moments in this book and loved the way the characters grew and learned from their experiences. Susan is a talented storyteller whose imagery draws the reader into a beautiful world where life is simple and harmonious with nature. I loved this book and would not hesitate to recommend it to young readers.
j.fizzell –
What an incredible read! It was an adventure until the end, with a fun twist on what you expect to happen with the Cavern of Light. This book has themes of faith, community, team work, self discovery, mercy, the importance of honesty, and so much more. I was particularly impressed by the way Susan gave the opportunity for children to see that they have the capacity for both wisdom and what would typically be considered an “adult responsibility”, and that the adults in the novel were capable of both remorse, understanding, apology and respect for the points of view of their children. It was a brilliant display of the truth of humanity, and what society could look like if we choose a path that focused on values rather than the pursuit of wealth and excess.
The character development, world building and imagery in this book were wonderful and painted a very real image in your mind as you journeyed through the pages. The folksy lore was reminiscent of some of my favourite childhood reads and blended what could easily pass as a historical version of the real world with magical elements. I would be beyond excited if this was ever picked up as for a screen adaptation. This might be middle grade fiction, but I think it could be enjoyed by all ages. I highly recommend this book. It has the capacity to be an instant classic in your collection. I know I can’t wait to share it with my son.
geniermonia –
I’m excited to share with you this new book from my my dear friend Sue Reimer who has already written several amazing children books.
Young and old will love the exciting story of Little Maira in The Gatekeeper’s Daughter, a brave girl who discovers the true meaning of friendship, truth, and bravery. This captivating book will ignite your imagination and take you on an unforgettable adventure!
alice.planetearth –
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light, is a well executed fantasy novel for young adults that also lends its magic to adult readers. The story is led by a young female protagonist, Maria, who’s relatable with just the right combination of teenage angst and child innocence. How the fictional world of this book was built was particularly beautiful, sharing the same whimsical scenery of a fairy tale and simutaniously the mysteries of an ancient society. If you enjoy fantasy novels with strong female protagonists, or are raising one, I highly suggest this book.
jocelynfriesen45 –
The Gatekeep’s Daughter: Cavern of Light by Susan Reimer is a delightful tale that whisks you to another world, where people spend their days on land and in the water. Maira’s curious nature and desire to do good make her a lovable protagonist. Her struggles of figuring out responsibility and honesty are encouraging to read, and it’s fun to watch her character develop, emotionally and spiritually, through the novel. I love being with the characters as they explore the underwater realm, Susan depicts life underwater in such a charming way, and you find yourself rooting for Maira to protect the environment when trouble comes their way. This is a treat to read and has a meaningful plot, it’s a perfect story for those coming of age who love discovering new worlds.
laurierousseau435 –
The Gatekeepers’ Daughter:The Cavern of Light The Gatekeepers’ Daughter:The Cavern of Light is a beautifully written story that takes place in a mystical land where a young girl, Maira lives with her brothers and father; who guards the entrance to the sea. An enthralling mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat as Maira and her friends battle against evil doers that threaten all they hold dear while they navigate the murky waters of growing up.Hard lessons are learned of being responsible and doing what is right and how to communicate their feelings and trust their instincts. They learn to reach inside themselves for the goodness and the answers that are within. Well described scenes bring the story so to life, you can imagine yourself floating in the undersea gardens and walking through the woods as little creatures called Mossies and rabbits scurry to meet you. My favorite scene is when Maira is sitting quietly thinking in the woods and a furry little fox slowly comes up to her and rests his head on Mair’s arm. It is one of many charming moments that make this a must read for every child. Review by laurierousseau435
johannalentz –
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light takes readers to another land, one they’ll want to return to again and again! Beautifully imagined, beautifully written. Maira is a worthy heroine that will inspire young readers and keep them turning the pages of this delightful book.
SageReads –
From the first page, I was drawn into the enticing world of The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light. The entire cast of characters, especially the main character, Maira, came alive in my mind. I was immersed in her exciting adventure, relatable struggles, strong relationships, and well-earned triumphs. When Maira and her friends believe they’ve discovered the legendary sea cave riches, their quest leads them to true treasure.
Reimer paints a vivid picture of the sea, surrounding forest, and a community working together. I enjoyed spending time in her world and highly recommend this beautifully crafted story.
peeversjar –
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light is a wonderful story that I could not put down. I was so drawn in that I became both Maira and her father Ari. The story is beautifully written and brings the sea and surrounding village to life so you can see yourself asking for permission to enter the sea and drinking from the cup. There are so many life lessons learned by the children, but the parents also learn a lesson or two. I recommend that the parent and child both read this amazing story! –
Readers who love nature and underwater adventures will enjoy this fantasy by Susan Reimer. Twelve-year-old Maira has shouldered extra responsibilities since her mother died six years ago and as she is apprenticing with her father as the next Gatekeeper of the sea. She is beginning to have conflicting feelings of missing out on the carefree childhood of her friends, and also wanting to be treated as a grownup rather than a child.
The job of the Gatekeeper is to always protect the sea. Long ago the sea was almost destroyed as greed drove people to treasure hunt, ignoring the health of fish, animals, plants, and other humans. Although Maira knows honesty is very important in life, one day she discovers something in the sea that she and her friend, Ewen, decide to keep secret. This secret could destroy the sea again and bring greedy men to Maira’s village.
I enjoyed the loving family relationships, the struggles and maturity Maira goes through, and the wonderful description of this land Reimer created. Being able to swim underwater without need for air was fun and I loved that she included a map to go with her fantasy.
deejay –
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light is a captivating, mesmerizing and compelling story. It’s an easy read and flows seamlessly between chapters that open with delightful illustrations. The reader is whisked away into a fanciful world of mystery, adventure and intrigue. Friend and family hijinks are interwoven throughout the story making it playful and relatable. You’ll find yourself drawn into Maira’s odyssey with anticipation and excitement.
Brielle Lively –
I loved this book so much! I would start reading it and it was hard to put it down. It is filled with adventure, mystery and so much more! I would read one chapter and I needed to know what happened next. The Gatekeeper’s Daughter teaches you the importance of honesty, and teamwork.
The main character in the book is Maira, a twelve year old girl who has a lot of responsibilities since her mother died when she was a little girl. Her father Ari is the gatekeeper of the sea, and there is a lot of pressure on Maira as she will become the gatekeeper some day. One day when she was in the sea, she and her friend Ewen found something that they decided to keep a secret. This led her on an adventure that taught her that sometimes you need your friends to help you. Later in the book she soon realized that it was a mistake not to tell her father and that you should always tell the truth to the ones you love.
Even though this book is for middle graders I am sure that any person of any age would love this book!
Jennifer Clower –
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter: Cavern of Light is a delightfully imaginative tale! Maira is a 12-year-old girl who is at the age where she is eager to grow up but also missing the fun that comes with being a kid. When Maira and her friends discover an undersea treasure, they initially agree to keep it a secret. Unfortunately, this leads to unintended consequences, and she must fight to protect the treasure and restore harmony to her hometown. The themes of honesty, faith, community, teamwork, and friendship are abundant throughout the book. Susan Reimer created a descriptive and mesmerizing far-away land that really draws you in. This book is a pleasure for all ages and would be great for family read-aloud time!
Betty Vanderwielen –
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter by Susan Reimer
An enchanting story about a young girl caught between wanting to be a carefree child and trying to be a responsible substitute for her missing mother as well as a responsible member of her community. Reimer paints such delightful scenes of the underwater world that readers can’t help wishing they too could breathe under water and frolic in the wet world. Even gathering food from the garden plots seems more fun than chore. But when Maira’s desire to keep a secret ends up endangering that world, Maira must acknowledge her mistake and find a way to right the wrong that follows upon it.
Talitha J Hart –
The Gatekeeper’s Daughter is a fun adventure with nuanced characters and relatable situations (albeit in a fantasy setting). Maira is an intelligent but fallible main character who acknowledges her mistakes and extends mercy for the mistakes of others. Her journey is one of growing up, enjoying childhood, taking accountability, and learning to value family and community.
Susan Phelan –
A sweet gentle book with enough action to keep readers engaged. Some beautiful words like this:
The rain beat upon the roof but to Maira, it seemed
far away as she listened to the warm sound of the words.