Sixth Grade Secret Service

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings
(4 customer reviews)


Sixth Grade Secret Service by Jason F. Franz is a humorous contemporary adventure about learning to trust yourself. Abe comes from a long line of Secret Service Agents who always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but he’s determined to break the curse. Using a mix of adventure, high-tech gadgetry, sleuthing, and food allergies, Abe finds the courage to trust himself.

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By: Jason F. Franz

Format: Available in Paperback, ePub, and MOBI

Genre: Contemporary, Adventure, Humor

Sixth Grade Secret Service


Abraham Truman comes from a long line of secret service agents.

Unfortunately, every previous generation of Trumans seemed to be cursed. Abe’s curse is his ‘busted belly’, and thanks to an ill-timed trip to the bathroom, he just lost the school’s new sixth grade student president—his best friend Tibby Roosevelt.

Determined to keep his family history from repeating itself, Abe and his team of outcasts must locate and return Tibby to her elected office before the class bully and vice student president, Chaz Nixon, takes her place.

If Abe can’t find Tibby in time, he’ll lose his chance at getting out of his family’s historical shadow, his school will suffer under Chaz’s bullyship, and most importantly, he’ll lose the faith of the one person who believes in him.

But can Abe believe in himself?


Meet Jason F. Franz, the author of  Sixth Grade Secret Service

Weight 9.5 oz
Dimensions 5 × 8 × .65 in
Book Formats

Paperback, ePub, MOBI

4 reviews for Sixth Grade Secret Service

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Betty Vanderwielen

    This is a fun mystery for middle graders. Abraham Truman comes from a family of secret service agents, so it seems perfectly logical for him to become sixth grade president Tibby Roosevelt’s personal secret service agent. Unfortunately, there also seems to be a curse associated with the Truman agents through the ages. Abe hopes to be the agent who breaks the curse, but it seems he has only reinforced it when the president he is supposed to be protecting gets kidnapped.
    Truman’s efforts to find the kidnapper and rescue Tibby involve a number of funny, but often risky, schemes – and the use of some nifty SS spy tools – as he eliminates prime suspects one after another. In the process of solving the case, Truman learns that people’s motives are often more complex than they seem on the surface. The book even finds room to put in a plug for responsible journalism and no-kill dog shelters.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Susan Reimer

    Abe takes his position and his family history very seriously. When the student president goes missing, it’s Abe’s duty to find her no matter what the cost. A fun story for anyone who loves finding clues and solving mysteries.

  3. Rated 5 out of 5


    Such a fun read!
    The characters were great and the mystery, set in Washington DC, was awesome.
    And as a parent, I appreciated that there was no questionable language or themes.

  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    Wonderful book, as always highly recommend!

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