Explore Course – Year of the Meatball


Explore the virtues embedded in the middle grade contemporary Year of the Meatball individually, as a family, or in a group. As you question the story through interviews, track the main character’s growth, and complete a fun project, the focus will be on virtue training. Videos and downloadable PDFs keep the momentum going, and agency in work keeps the kids engaged. Plus they get to meet the author!

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Guided by instructor Kiri Jorgensen families will explore the virtues embedded in the middle grade contemporary Year of the Meatball by Angela Calabrese.  This course utilizes video instruction, interviews, and ‘paper and pencil’ assignments for families and kids to work through. This course is divided into 4 sections of study.

  • Three sections include:
    • Guided Interviews based on the protagonist’s agency and associations
    • A book-wide analysis of the main character’s arc of change
  • The last section includes:
    • Enrichment project of the student’s choice
    • Final Fun With the Author

9 instructional videos are part of this course, including 2 from the AUTHOR, Angela Calabrese. Also included are 3 Downloadable PDF instructions and worksheets for in-person assignments.

Here is the course outline:


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