Mastering the Elements of Middle Grade Fiction

Explore the elements that make middle grade fiction unique and then craft your manuscript to shine.

In this course, writers will learn about middle grade fiction and the elements that make it a unique age category in children’s books. Three elements will be explored – voice, pacing, and motive/theme connections. Lessons are taught through video instruction, written information, and downloadable worksheets. The information presented is applicable to first drafting, or revisions within a completed manuscript. Strengthening your story is the goal.


Course Instructor

Kiri Jorgensen Kiri Jorgensen Author

Kiri Jorgensen is a long time teacher, curriculum creator, writer, editor, and publisher at Chicken Scratch Books. Her passion is middle grade novels, and she loves helping kids discover the wonder of strong literature.

One Time Purchase


What Makes Middle Grade Middle Grade?

Middle Grade Voice

Middle Grade Pacing

Middle Grade Connectedness

Writing Your Story to Connect

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