Course Instructor
Lifetime Family Access
Angela Calabrese and Year of the Meatball
Instructional video for parents and kids to learn how the course works.
Get to know author Angela Calabrese and learn about ‘Year of the Meatball’.
Book Section 1: Pages 1-69, Chapters 1-20
After you read each section of the book, have an interview where you question the story in 4 different ways.
Exploring the arc of change the main character makes in the story helps readers identify virtue training in action.
Book Section 2: Pages 70-137, Chapters 21-40
Asking questions of the story will help you understand why the character is choosing to do what they are.
Exploring the arc of change the main character makes helps readers better relate to the virtues being portrayed.
Book Section 3: Pages 138-205, Chapters 41-64
In this interview, readers will question the story in 4 different ways to learn more about agency and associations.
Exploring the character’s arc of change brings connection to the experience of virtue training.
Final Exploration of Year of the Meatball
The final exploration project for this story includes 4 options to choose from.
What makes this story so great? Learn some of the reasons why.
Now it’s time for some final fun with the author!