Explore Course – Dog Talk

Middle Grade students (ages 9-14, grades 4-8) will engage through video instruction, story interviews, and ‘paper and pencil’ assignments to work a fun exploration of the middle grade speculative Dog Talk by LuAnn M. Rod. This course is divided into 4 sections of study, and can take up to 4 weeks to complete. Three sections include Questioning the Story Interviews and a character arc study. The last section includes an enrichment project the student chooses, and final fun with the author. Like a Book Club, all work is geared toward helping kids explore the book on a fun level while incorporating student choice. 9 videos are part of this course, including 2 from the author.

Estimated Time: 4 Week Explore Course

Course Instructor

Kiri Jorgensen Kiri Jorgensen Instructor

Kiri Jorgensen is a long time teacher, curriculum creator, writer, editor, and publisher at Chicken Scratch Books. Her passion is middle grade novels, and she loves helping kids discover the wonder of strong literature.

Lifetime Access


LuAnn M. Rod and Dog Talk

Book Section 1: Pages 1-75, Chapters 1-13

Book Section 2: Pages 76-155, Chapters 14-25

Book Section 3:  Pages 156-234, Chapters 26-38

Final Exploration of Dog Talk

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