Analysis Course – Sophie Murphy Does Not Exist

Upper Middle Grade students (ages 10-14, grades 5-8) will engage through video, online work, and ‘paper and pencil’ assignments to work a deep analysis of the middle grade contemporary novel Sophie Murphy Does Not Exist by Tiffany Blanchard. This course is divided into 6 sections of study. Five sections include guided close reading, a focus skill analysis, vocabulary work, and a quiz. The last section includes a focus skill culmination writing assignment and an enrichment project of their choice. All work goes beyond standards and is geared toward student growth as readers and writers, and student choice. 14 videos are part of this course, including 3 from the author.

Estimated Time: 6 week novel study unit

Course Instructor

Kiri Jorgensen Kiri Jorgensen Author

Kiri Jorgensen is a long time teacher, curriculum creator, writer, editor, and publisher at Chicken Scratch Books. Her passion is middle grade novels, and she loves helping kids discover the wonder of strong literature.

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This course is designed for students to deeply analyze the upper middle grade novel Sophie Murphy Does Not Exist


Book Section 1: Chapters: Days 1-9, pages 1-44

Has Quiz

Book Section 2: Chapters: Day 11-33, pages 45 – 92

Has Quiz

Book Section 3: Chapters: Day 34-60, pages 93 – 136

Has Quiz

Book Section 4: Chapters: Day 61 – 76, pages 137 – 178

Has Quiz

Book Section 5: Chapters: Day 77 – Day 5, pages 179 – 220

Has Quiz

Final Analysis Book Section 6

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