All About: Wingless

We are so excited to announce Wingless by Catherine Witzaney! This masterfully crafted epic fantasy will open your eyes to a whole new world. Here’s the back cover blurb.

In a world of flight, he was born wingless. 
But that’s the least of his problems.  

Since being orphaned at a young age, wingless sprite Asher Songfeather has been sure of one thing: Bat sprites aren’t to be trusted. The fact that his own mother was one is something Asher does his best to forget.
But when his adoptive sister Carinen falls deathly ill, he’ll risk anything to save her—even if it means striking a bargain with a mysterious Bat sprite newcomer. The deal sends Asher on a perilous quest into the heart of the Bat Colony itself, where nothing is as it first appears. Saving his sister will require more than just courage and wits. It will take trust, too.
And Asher will have to rethink everything he knows about Bat sprites—including himself.

Catherine Witzaney has created an addictive fantasy world that also feels so real. The challenges Asher faces and his response and growth will have you cheering!

Meet the Author

We want you to get to know Catherine Witzaney a bit better. Here’s a video where she introduces herself and gives you a feel for what Wingless holds.

Meet the Author Catherine Witzaney

Wingless is Catherine’s debut novel, but she has much more in store. (The sequel comes out in 2025… Yahoo!)

PDF Activity Sheet

In Wingless, Asher and the other sprites each have a specific talent they must learn to use and wield. They have to learn to turn to the source of their power, and then apply that power to the talent they’ve been given. For Asher, this takes a lot of practice and work. We created this fun activity where you can work on developing your talents too. Here’s the PDF Wielding Your Talents for you to print and enjoy with your family. 

We are so excited for you to have this heart-thrilling fantasy! We love an exciting middle grade story that dives into a unique fantasy world, adds in the battle of good versus evil, includes mystery and intrigue, special talents, and brings the reader to cheer right along. If you love a strong fantasy with equally strong character growth, you’ll love Wingless