All About: Sixth Grade Secret Service

We’re excited to tell you all about Sixth Grade Secret Service by Jason F. Franz. This adventurous contemporary story tracks Abe as he learns to trust himself. Here’s the back cover blurb:

Abraham Truman comes from a long line of secret service agents.

Unfortunately, every previous generation of Trumans seemed to be cursed. Abe’s curse is his ‘busted belly’, and thanks to an ill-timed trip to the bathroom, he just lost the school’s new sixth grade student president—his best friend Tibby Roosevelt.

Determined to keep his family history from repeating itself, Abe and his team of outcasts must locate and return Tibby to her elected office before the class bully and vice student president, Chaz Nixon, takes her place.

If Abe can’t find Tibby in time, he’ll lose his chance at getting out of his family’s historical shadow, his school will suffer under Chaz’s bullyship, and most importantly, he’ll lose the faith of the one person who believes in him.

But can Abe believe in himself?

Meet Jason F. Franz

Jason F. Franz has crafted a humorous adventure filled with sleuthing, high-tech gadgets, and lots of political fun. But even more important are the themes of friendship and belie

This is Jason’s debut novel, and he’s crafted a fun, memorable adventure.

We want you to get to know Jason F. Franz a bit better. Here’s a video where he introduces himself and gives you a feel for what Sixth Grade Secret Service holds.

Meet the Author Jason F. Franz

Jason has been working toward this dream of publication for many years, and he had a lot of hurdles to overcome in getting here. We’re so excited for his success!

Let’s have some fun!

In Sixth Grade Secret Service, high-tech gadgets come in very handy. Abe is lucky to have a friend with a very interesting Lost and Found, and the items inside it prove useful over and over. This week’s activity sheet highlights those high-tech gadgets in a fun matching game. Access the downloadable PDF High Tech Gadgets Matching Game here.

I love a strong middle grade adventure, and when the main character has us cheering him on, the story is even more fun to read. This book is full of subtle humor – political and middle school both – so adults will love it too. Sixth Grade Secret Service looks at friendship, historical curses, family relationships, and digestive problems – all while making you laugh and cheer.