Advantages of an Indie Press

I read an article recently from Publishers Weekly about inequality in children’s book publishing based on the race of the author. There is concern in the mainstream publishing world that some authors are being treated unfairly. Their careers are suffering because of the decisions made in the large publishing houses. These decisions range from the amount of an advance, to the methods of promotion and marketing. Often, it seems, these decisions aren’t based on the best interest of the authors, but instead on the best interest of the publishing house. This is something every author gets to face, especially when they are just starting out. As I pondered this situation, I began to see some advantages of an indie press that I hadn’t thought of before.

In many indie publishing houses – including here at Chicken Scratch Books as we lift off – no one gets an advance. It doesn’t matter if you could bring in hundreds of book sales or millions. The working capital isn’t there within the business structure. I used to think of this as a disadvantage, but my perception has been shifted, and now I see this as a great advantage. Every author starts on equal footing.

This does mean that authors have to wait a lot longer to start receiving any income from their writing. At Chicken Scratch, we use a streamlined, supportive, collaborative editing process that will hopefully keep this wait to the minimum possible time. Our print on demand model will help hurry things along too. No shipments from China.

Once we start the selling process, we have another level of equality for all authors. Our marketing plan looks the same for everyone. We utilize partnership driven direct marketing. This marketing practice is unique in the children’s book world. We seek out and create relationships with the very people who buy and promote our books. Not sitting around waiting for them to find us. We find them first.

We also help every author strengthen their own online presence, and give them tools to promote themselves. Every author. One of these tools I’m super excited about – Chicken Scratch Reading School. For every book we publish, we create an online Novel Study Course for teachers and readers to enhance their connection with the book. Then we target and connect with those gatekeepers who need these novel study courses for their kids and students. The best part? Each course features videos of the authors themselves teaching their readers about their story.

As I’ve thought about these advantages of an indie press, it’s gotten me excited all over again about what we are doing. It’s an uphill climb at the moment, but I believe in the power of words, the power of writers, and the power of a free market. Our books will speak for themselves, with every author on equal ground, and every author with equal advantage.